Monday, September 11, 2023

Gifts of the Spirit


     Entertaining others in my home does not come naturally for me.  I think God chuckles ever time I “practice hospitality.” For many of you, entertaining may not strike a chord of fear within you or cause anxiety or complaining.

     Many of you are familiar with the spiritual gifts listed in the Bible. All of us are gifted by God in unique ways and we make up the body of Christ together. I have a passion for helping others discover their spiritual gifts. Because of that, I researched many of the books and classes offered for discovering those gifts.

     There are around 20 spiritual gifts and the gift of hospitality comes up with a big round 0 for me. Those of you with this gift may not recognize it as a gift. I am amazed at friends and family with the ability and even the desire to open their doors any hour of the day or night to others. They have a way of making others feel immediately at home.

     If an event is planned I often feel like Mary in the Mary and Martha story in the Bible. I may seek out someone looking lonely or uncomfortable (the gift of mercy) or encourage someone in need (the gift of encouragement or counsel). I hope someone else will offer to set up the chairs and decorations (the gift of helps) or organize the details of the entire event (the gift of administration) and others to serve and welcome guests (the gift of hospitality).

     How wonderful it is to use our gifts for God. He wants us to feel joy as we serve Him. When we are led by the Spirit to use our gifts they will come easily and we will show Christ’s love using the gifts we were born to use. But then I came across this Scripture:

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.  1 Peter 4:9

     Oh boy. Just because we may not be gifted in a certain area does not mean we will never use the gift. As we try new things and use them for God, He can develop new gifts within us. And if you feel the ground shift in Bloomington Minnesota, it is because I am practicing hospitality. Maybe I will even practice without grumbling.

     But most days, if you need a listening ear, give me a call and if I need some fellowship and a good cup of coffee, I will call you!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the special ways you have made each one of us. Let us recognize those gifts in our selves and others. Help us to use our gifts in the ways you choose. Protect us from competition and jealousy.


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