Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Hoopla, Heartache, Hope


     Well, let’s admit it. Along with the delightful, smells, tastes, sounds and anticipation of the season, there is more. More stress, more busyness, more annoying relatives. There are the gifts that don’t work, that don’t fit, that we don’t need. We overeat, we over shop and wo overdo.

     Take a break before the hectic days and the hoopla begin and remember the One above watching over us, above all else He is there.

Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.  Colossians 3:2

  This time of year is especially difficult for those grieving the loss of loved ones. Jesus is there to comfort, to find hope, to remind us of His great gifts. Remember the blessings and, remember, there is a great cloud of witnesses awaiting us in heaven.

     What do you think? Can we rise above the craziness and focus on the hope that awaits? Shine with hope this season. Let’s focus on the love around us and share memories of loved ones waiting for us and the One who came for us. It’s all about Him after all. He can change everything.


Calm our spirits as we get ready to celebrate the loveliest and purest gift ever given, the life You sacrificed for us, offering us grace and forgiveness. Keep our focus on You and on sharing all of the noble gifts You give to us. Please comfort those who mourn.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding me to step back, take a breath, count all my blessings, and remember the reason for the season. All the best to you and your family.
