Monday, July 29, 2024

The Deep and Secret Things of God


     You may have heard this ancient Greek quote attributed to Socrates, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” What do you think? Life gets busy. Routines form. Days flow by with no deep thought, moving from one task to the next. Waiting for the weekend? Retired and just thinking about fun? The Bible gives us clues on how to go a bit deeper, into purpose, into living for more than our personal needs and wants, a life of service to each other, in order to bring glory to God.

     God has built you for this season, for His purpose. Let’s dig a bit deeper with Him and His word. God promises to speak to us in a deep, spiritual language. Can you hear Him? Have you experienced His voice from the deep? In the whisper of the wind? In study? From another believer? His voice can be heard in a variety of ways, if we take the time to listen. Dive deep.

He reveals deep and hidden things. He knows what dwells in darkness and light dwells with Him. Daniel 2:22

     The deep and secret things of God will be revealed with His glorious light. I am ready to remove the darkness and move into the deep waters of His light. Are you?


Speak to us from the deep. Your Spirit will move us into a more intimate relationship with You as we take the time to examine our lives, as we open ourselves to Your guiding, as we are transformed from darkness to light.

In Jesus name,



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