Monday, February 24, 2014

Patient Prayer

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

     This is a great verse to memorize. It is packed with wisdom and short enough to easily carry in our hearts and pull out when we need it. With Christ there is always hope. Even at the very end of our time on earth, it is just the beginning of forever. There is no end. Hope can be found. That can give us the lasting joy of Jesus.

     Patience…not an easy concept in a fast-paced world. Even waiting for our morning coffee or sitting at a traffic light can be frustrating. Two young women I know are, finally, at the end of what have been two long battles against two different types of cancer. Both lost their hair. Both have suffered greatly with sickness and nausea. One had a difficult surgery and delays in treatment. Patience in affliction? During those long days and nights when there seems to be no end in sight, hope and patience and even the ability to pray are nowhere to be found.

     Both of these young women have received great news. The treatments are done and hope is renewed! But during those times of suffering, hopes can be shattered, patience goes out the window as we lash out at those closest to us and prayer? Who has the energy? During those dark days we need to count on others to pray for us, to give hope when there seems to be none, to be faithful to us even when we don’t have an ounce of faith left. And when all is said and done, Jesus is right there, with joy and hope, with patience to deal with us once again, always faithful. He never gives up.

Dear Lord,
Be our hope when there appears to be none. Be patient with us when we don’t have it in us to wait. Lead us in prayer when we don’t feel Your presence and when others are suffering, lead us to be the Jesus in their lives, bringing strength, hope and love. Give us the ability to share joy, patience and faithfulness when affliction comes. And bless these two young women now Lord with complete healing. Give them a double portion of joy.


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