Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Look Up!

     Jesus is coming back. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus talks about the signs of the end of the age. He compares the increase and the intensity of events as when a woman is in labor. The birth pains become more frequent as the birth draws near. As so it will be before His coming.

     There is no need for fear or worry. Before the final tribulation the church will meet their Savior. And Jesus tells us as we see an increase in earthquakes and pestilence and wars and rumors of wars:

When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.  Luke 21:28

     The second coming of Jesus will come as a thief in the night. We are to be hope-filled, watchful and ready. As you look forward to and prepare for Christmas this year, remember our Savior did not just come in human form to die for our sins. He will also come one day as the glorious heavenly King ready to rule and reign a new heaven and a new earth. Look up! And Paul tells us:

Therefore encourage one another with these words.  1 Thessalonians 4:18

Soon we will celebrate Your birth at Your first coming and soon we will celebrate Your second coming. And we will be with You forever. We look up and wait and watch for You with no fear of the events we see around us. We love You.


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