Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Be Prepared

      As we anticipate celebrating the birth of Christ, we also wait patiently and expectantly for His second coming. Many signs are converging into what Jesus calls the “birth pains” of the last days. It could be tomorrow. It could be a decade from now or several decades. Just like giving birth we recognize the signs will increase in both frequency and intensity.

“Therefore keep watch because you do not know the day or the hour.” Matthew 25:13

     Jesus used parables in his messages to the people of His day and to all of us. Most of them include messages on being ready and prepared, to store up our treasures for heaven rather than with earthly possessions and to use our gifts and talents and money for His kingdom.

     As you prepare for the busyness of this season, take a few minutes to reflect on your life. How can we represent Jesus in the coming year? How can we use our passions and talents to serve Him in the world around us? Is there someone to pray for in your life? Make a prayer list and pray faithfully and watch Jesus work. And be ready! Our heavenly calling is just around the corner.

We praise You for bringing Your Son to earth. He humbled Himself to be one of us and died for each one of us. You love us so much. May we love You back by serving You with humility and honor.

In Jesus name,

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