Monday, August 21, 2017

A Sinner Saved

     Someone I’ve known since high school is dying. The consequences of his lifestyle have reached the point of no return. Once movie-star handsome, ruggedly athletic, and smart, the battle with the bottle got the best of him. We may be sad and ask the “what ifs,” but I was talking to his beautiful sister last week and we talked about the fact that he will be going to heaven.

     How can we be sure? He loves Jesus. In his sober times (and there were a few) he talked about Jesus and carried his Bible around with him. It wasn’t fake. It saved him. Saved him for eternity. He made the most important decision a human being can make. More important than what job to take, more important than being sober, more important than when to retire.

     At the end of this life, whether short or long, the only thing left is where we will spend eternity. Jesus offers us life in heaven with Him. The cost? It’s free. He paid the price. He suffered our friend’s alcoholism on the cross. He felt the pain of suicide. He covered the ugly thoughts in our heads, the pride-filled moments, the gossip and judgment, the wrong choices, the bad habits, all covered with His blood. He, the One and Only sinless man, suffered it all. And we, like our friend, just had to say, “Yes, Jesus, I believe you died, were buried and rose again. And I take you as my Savior.”

     That’s it. We may miss out on all God had planned for us in this life, by our own stupid choices, but God does have the power and the ability to make this life worth living, too. But the prize, oh the everlasting prize, will be eternal joy, eternal peace, eternity with Jesus. And our friends who didn’t quite grasp it all here, but made the choice for Jesus? There will be a grand welcome home party forever.


Thank You for the blessed assurance of heaven. Thank You for the free gift You offer. Once we accept it, it can never be taken away, no matter what. We wish everyone would believe the promises You make for this earthly life too. But eternity awaits. It awaits all of us sinners who believe. Believe in a Savior.

It’s Jesus.


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