Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Counting Our Blessings

     Thanks for letting me whine about our crazy winter yesterday. Situations in life can seem like major problems, but in the scheme of things, are really only minor irritations. However, life can bring us to a halt, bring us to our knees, bring us to tears and grief, bring us to wonder how we will make it through another day, take another step.

     I have witnessed how God comforts in my own life through loss and tragedy and I have witnessed His grace through the suffering of others. The Spirit of our God is present in the most miraculous of ways. He overpowers our moments of darkness with glimpses of light, a small flicker in the deepest night, and His light brings warmth and hope.

     A friend of mine watched her husband go through horrendous cancer treatments, watched him as his body weakened and witnessed his pain and suffering. She walked through this with him for two years. The two of them met each day diving into the word of God and ended each day holding hands and “counting the blessings.” It wasn’t easy and to the outside world would appear to be absolutely impossible.

     Somehow, she was able to give the eulogy at his funeral. Her strength, her grace and her witness to the truth of the overpowering love of Christ moved many hearts that day. Unbelievers questioned her and I believe some came to a saving knowledge of Jesus and His salvation.

     Counting blessings does not come naturally to us during times of deep sorrow, but Jesus is there. His Spirit is ready to comfort, His peace is available, His love is unending and present. As Jude reminds us, we can keep ourselves strong in the faith. And God will bless us until the day we reach heaven.

But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to bring you to eternal life. Jude 1:20-21

And now, receive this blessing:

May the grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14


Build our faith to be so strong that even in our darkest moments, we will rely on You and Your undying love. Keep us mindful of the Holy Spirit and His presence when we are searching for answers.

In Jesus name,


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