Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Times of Refreshing


     Times of refreshing are essential for us, for our mind, for our body and for our spirit. I don’t know about you, but the year of Covid drained me. Worry was everywhere, distance was mandatory, there was a multitude of unanswered questions, and we could not hug one another!

     I am a hugger, often in an uncomfortable way. I know when I’ve overstepped as others give me the one-armed light hug or move back as I invade their space. If you are a hugger, (and maybe if you aren’t) Covid took its toll. Luckily, Jesus has a way of refreshing our souls, of filling us to the brim with His love, just when we need it most.

“For I will satisfy the weary soul and every languishing soul, I will replenish.” Jeremiah 31:25

     Times of replenishing are necessary as we allow God to satisfy our needs. With the vaccines and a letting up of our restrictions, I find myself even more grateful for friends and family. Last week I attended a beautiful wedding shower outdoors for the daughter of one of my best friends. What a gift to be with so many people for a joyous occasion. It revitalized my spirit to witness the happiness of this special couple.

     A day earlier, I went for a walk and had coffee with two dear sisters in Christ, two women I have studied with and prayed with and for over many years. They refreshed me. How about you? Give recognition to those that refresh your soul.

For they refreshed my spirit as well as yours.  Give recognition to such men and women. 1 Corinthians 16:18

     Someone around you could use a hug today, whether they believe it or not.


We are grateful for our much-needed time with our friends and family. Teach us how to refresh and rejuvenate those with weary souls around us. Fill them with Your kind of love.

In Jesus name,


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