Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Light in the Aged


     Bible teacher, Beth Moore, was speaking to a large group of women. She was pleasantly surprised to see the zeal and passion of the over-70 crowd. From her study, “Children of the Day” she writes, “The lines on their faces drawing rays around their eyes like a child’s illustration of the sun, causing them to gleam.”

     Don’t you just love that? To think that our wrinkles surround the gleaming light of our eyes. How precious to see life and light and zeal in the passionate hearts of older women and men of faith! They have gained so much wisdom through so much hardship and sacrifice. We should be sitting at their feet and asking questions.

“How did you get through the toughest time in your life?”

“How do you keep your purpose and passion for life alive?”

“Teach me about your faith.”

     Our culture does not tend to value our older generation. Watch the ones that shine with the love of Christ. I am 66 and when I grow up, I want to be just like them. I often rely on those older than me, praying I will learn to mentor, to hold onto faith through the tough times, to shine with Christ until the day I die. I gave this verse to a dear friend of mine. She passed away at 90 and was such an important part of my life for over twenty years.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-whatever they do prospers. Psalm 1:3

     Thank God for the Christian elders in our lives that do not wither and face away. Allow them to mentor you. You will gain much from their experience, their hard-fought battles and from their deep and abiding love for the Savior.

Dear Lord,

You have gifted the elderly believers among us with Your wisdom and grace. Help us to value them and seek out their wisdom. Their eyes shine with the gleaming light of Your Son in ways we don’t understand. We are grateful for their presence among us.

In Jesus Name


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