Monday, June 17, 2024

Camping in Colossians


     We all have a favorite verse, a favorite chapter or Psalm, or a favorite book within the Bible. I want us to camp out in one of mine; the 3rd chapter of Colossians this week. Paul’s letters to the churches are full of wisdom and guidance through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit on how to live our lives.

     Pull up a chair next to the fire. Smell the woodsy, crisp air. Savor the melded flavors of the chocolate, marshmallow and graham cracker combination. Listen to the sounds of the evening and as your senses begin to take in the atmosphere around you, tilt your head and look up. Appreciate the stars and the one that spoke them into being.

Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is; seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  Colossians 3:1-2

     Notice the first verse says to “set” our hearts and the 2nd verse says to “set” our minds on things above. As you gaze up at the stars, look beyond to the right hand of God. That’s where we are spiritually seated through Jesus. It doesn’t mean we are no earthly good. We just have a heavenly perspective from setting our hearts and minds on Him. He invites us right into the throne room where He resides. Looking up keeps us in our place, in humble service to and in awe of our magnificent God.


Teach us to fix our gaze on You, to determinedly set our hearts and minds on things above each and every day, understanding Your sovereignty over all things. Things above. Where Christ dwells beyond all we see, hear, touch, smell, taste and experience on earth.



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