Thursday, June 6, 2024

Child-like Faith


     Today is a day to celebrate!  Our sweet Brooklyn is two years old. This girl continues to brighten our days with her delightful personality, her giggles, her bossiness, her energy, her great hugs and her excitement over the simplest joys in life.

     Today is also a bitter-sweet day for us. Today marks the last day of our six years of helping with daily care for our grandkids. We began with Gavin when he was three months old, adding his brother, Grayson, two years later, followed by these last two years with Brooklyn. What amazing blessings we have shared and we hope the deep bond we have created lasts through our lifetimes.

     One of our daughters said now we can just be normal grandparents and we look forward days together and sleep overs.  Such joy. Such love!  My parents did not live to meet our daughters, so each day to me is a spectacular gift just knowing we are a part of their lives.

     Brooklyn thank you for bringing us so much light, even though “bapa” is your favorite. I try not to be too jealous and if he isn’t around, you find me satisfactory. You have us  wrapped around your little finger.

     Take in the joys of childlike faith today like Brooklyn and smile at the little things. They mean the most.

But Jesus called the children to Him, and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged…Proverbs 17:6a


We give you thanks for Brooklyn. Watch over her life and keep her centered on You as she grows. Protect her, love her and keep her.

In Jesus name,



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