Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week One       There is a Season
Day Four        Love

     The Jewish people were and are taught from the Torah; the five books of Moses, based on the Ten Commandments and the history of God’s provision for them through times of disbelief and a turning away from their God. God is ever faithful. The Old Testament is filled with prophecies, many of which have been fulfilled in the birth and life, death and resurrection of Christ. Many more prophecies are yet to come.

     It is statistically and even astronomically impossible for one man to have fulfilled so many prophecies written by so many different authors and prophets over many different centuries. In fact many scientists and academics have specifically studied and dug in earnestly to disprove the Bible and its truth and, have instead, become believers.

     Jesus tells us He did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it. (Matthew 5:17) The Law is good, but the Law is impossible for man to consistently obey.

     As fallen men and women, there was a separation from our Holy God. His only Son, the Word come to life, lived as the One and Only sinless man. He paid the penalty for it all! There is no greater love. It is a gift. It is grace. It is agape love, the deepest, most sacrificial love ever given. The agony of the Cross, the blood He shed, the sins of the world on His shoulders is impossible to imagine.What does He ask of us? To believe in Him, to ask forgiveness and to trust Him as Savior. That’s it!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

    Jesus is the Word of God come to life in the flesh. The Old Testament is filled with the foreshadowings of Christ, its prophecies laden with the promised Messiah. I encourage you to dive into the Scriptures with no fear. They become as a mirror to us; to see ourselves as we are and to watch as we become more and more a reflection of who He is. His Holy Spirit within us, after we come to know Him as Savior, changes us from glory to glory as we reflect His Light. (He sanctifies us) (2 Corinthians 3:18)

     The beautiful thing is, it gives us freedom, freedom to trust Him with our lives. We make it all so difficult don’t we? We question or think we know more than God or we are too comfortable or too busy or too smart for our own good. That’s why it often takes a crisis, a place where we understand. We can’t and don’t want to do it alone anymore.

     It’s all about love. And what does Jesus say when asked about the greatest commandment in the Law?

     Jesus replied, “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”  Matthew 22:37-40

Dear and gracious God,
How can we ever thank you for this gift of eternal life? Please open hearts and minds to Your truth. It is life. It is freedom. It is love. It is truly the best life.
In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ,


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