Thursday, June 19, 2014

One-of-a-Kind You!

     John Holland used a hexagon to describe our natural God-given talents. These are the gifts that we were born to use. They are not the capabilities we have practiced or worked for or struggled to learn over time. They come naturally and have been a part of us since childhood. Some of our natural gifts can fall into two or three parts of the hexagon and there are numerous gifts listed under each one. Again, you can look into this more deeply on your own. Here are the six areas of interest. Which capture you?

     Realistic: Statistically more male-oriented. If you are a realist you love the outdoors. You might take an interest in sports and hunting and fishing. You may love animals and enjoy working with your hands and fixing things.

     Investigative: Science and laboratory work may interest you, or programming a computer. You might enjoy researching and solving complex problems. You love trivia and chess.

    Artistic: You may be a part of the acting and theater community. Painting, sculpting, music or photography may be a part of your resume. You may write stories, novels or poetry, or direct plays or videos.

     Social: Traveling with friends or planning events or doing volunteer work may describe you. You thrive on relationships either one-on-one or in large group settings. You may like to work with children or with senior citizens.

     Enterprising: You are persuasive, well-spoken, resilient and possibly an entrepreneur. You may have been president of the student body in high school and love a good debate. You love the “in” crowd and expensive vacations. You can sell and people gravitate to you.

     Conventional: You are organized. You are a collector of anything and everything. You love studying history and traveling. You may enjoy building models, doing crossword puzzles and returning to the same resort every year. You are good at following instructions. 

     Did one or two of these categories fit you? After teaching courses on gifts and talents for years, you may find these added details of interest. When choosing areas of natural talents and interests, the church setting is overwhelmingly in the “social” area. Those that volunteer to help others may gravitate to a church setting.

     The enterprising area has the fewest members. It is rare to find one or two in this category in any given large group or setting. Tomorrow let’s add our passions and values to our puzzle pieces as we discover God’s own design. You are His workmanship.

Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Dear Father,
Continue Your good work in us. Let our confidence be in You. You have miraculously designed each one of us to do our part. How wonderful are Your ways.
In Jesus name,

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