Monday, January 19, 2015

The Holy Spirit and Me

Comparing our lives to others comes naturally. The Jones family has a bigger house. The girl next door drives a more expensive car. We wish we were skinnier, funnier, taller. The list goes on. I pray this week we will begin to believe that we are one-of-a-kind, made just the way God intended.

     Even in the church we tend to compare. If you have the gift of music, you may wish you could sing rather than play the piano. If you teach, you may wish you had a larger audience, not your small group. You get the idea. God does not look at numbers or audiences or as if one gift were better than another. He doesn’t look at credentials or academics or the size of our house.

     God looks at the heart. You may be making a difference in your family, or one-on-one in a quiet ministry. You may be just beginning to know Jesus, excited and nervous about what it all means. Today, just accept His love. The Holy Spirit will teach you what is next. He will move you as He sees fit. The measure of faith, and what He wants us to do? It’s all up to Him.

All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and He distributes them to each one, just as He determines.  1 Corinthians 12:11

Take away our divisions and competitive natures. Let us see each other as beloved children of God, brothers and sisters meant to work together in unity. We can only do that when we accept and believe we are loved, just the way we are and allow You to show us what is next.


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