Tuesday, April 2, 2019


     I have fabulous friends. One I have known since the age of two and others for over four decades. They are faithful, caring, encouraging and loving to me and to my family. How grateful I am to be able to lean on them, to share with them, to live life with them, to celebrate with them, and to mourn with them. It is a gift.

A friend loves at all times…Proverbs 17:17a

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24

     Luckily for me, my friends understand me. No one, not even our BFFs, will understand us as well as Jesus. When we feel misunderstood, or criticized, or as if we don’t fit in, when we are lonely, Jesus remains our closes companion. He has a listening ear available to us 24/7. He loves unconditionally and will gently brush us off and lift us up to try again every single time we fall.

     He never gives up or grows tired of our mistakes. I don’t know how He does it. I can barely live with myself some days! How about you? Feeling the need for a forever friend? Jesus is tireless and faithful. He sees your heart. He knows what you need before you ask for it. He may keep you away from things that aren’t good for you. He knows best.

     Our loving Father in heaven, our loving friend, is with you now. Reach up and let Him comfort you as only our closes friends can. He is there.


What a friend we have in You. We carry everything to You in prayer today. Lift our burdens. Remain close by our side. We are blessed to have You and thank You, and thank You for the blessings of earthly friends.


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