Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Solid Stones

     Is it time to let something go and begin again? Time to tear something down and rebuild? Change may be welcomed. Change may be frightening. Change may be necessary, but difficult. Change may come out of nowhere and face us with challenges ahead. Is it time to accept something new?

A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together. Ecclesiastes 3:5a

     The verse above comes from the familiar Chapter of Ecclesiastes 3. (Also familiar from a song by The Byrds in 1965 titled, “Turn! Turn! Turn.”) There is a season for everything in life. What does it mean to cast away stones and to gather stones?

      There are varying opinions and commentaries on this particular verse. One way of looking at casting away stones is to think of physically tearing down an old building or to remove something no longer necessary or useful, to cast away something or someone harmful, to throw out the old and welcome the new.

     Gathering stones to rebuild our foundation of faith may be necessary after a time of letting go or grieving. What will life look like with the changes surrounding us? Have we lost our trust in Jesus? When we lose our way, He waits for us to return to Him.  He will help us rebuild and weather the storm, offering us the firm foundation of faith.

     Building and rebuilding our faith on the Rock, allows us to keep gathering and regathering the stones of faith. As we gather His Words into our hearts and follow Him, we need not fear the changes in life.

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who builds his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24


Whatever choices we need to make, You are ready as our Rock, our firm foundation to help us rebuild, to show us the way, to help us gather the stones needed to remain safe and steadfast in Your care.

In Jesus name,


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