Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Beatitudes

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3

     The Beatitudes, I believe, give us an order of how we come to God. The term “poor in spirit” might bring to mind material poverty or an emptiness of being ourselves. Instead, it means humility. Becoming poor in spirit allows us to recognize our need for God. Before our spirits can be filled, we need to make them available to God. Before we can accept Jesus, we need to humble ourselves before Him, and we will be blessed.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:3

     Recognizing our need for God, brings repentance, an acknowledgment and a new awareness of our sinful nature. Part of this awareness is an acknowledgement of the holiness and purity and perfection of God. Seeing ourselves as we are without our God brings about a “Godly sorrow.” (2 Corinthians 7:10) We mourn for what we have done against God, ask His forgiveness and what does He do? He takes us in as we are, forgives our sins, past, present and future and gives us Jesus and His kingdom. Now I’ll say that is comfort!

     This verse is a beautiful reminder that God comforts us throughout our lives. We all have times of mourning, mourning the death of a child or a sibling, the loss of a mom or dad or a spouse, the loss of a friendship or mourning through a divorce. God is the God of all comfort. He wraps His arms around us as we ask for His help.

     Humility and mourning are not signs of our weakness. Our Almighty God looks at them as an opening to a vital, living relationship with Him, through Jesus. Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are those who mourn.

Dear Lord,
We come humbly before You, recognizing we are nothing without you. Fill us with Your love and comfort as we fill ourselves with Your Holy Spirit. You promise us blessings and happy are we to accept them.


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