Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Faith Comes By Hearing

     As believers, we are commissioned by Jesus Himself to make disciples. (Matthew 28) We have the joy and peace of knowing we will live eternally and we want to pass the Good News of Jesus along to others in our lives. The hardest part is knowing how and when to speak up. How do we talk about Him without sounding preachy or pushy?

     With Jesus, we can be loving and kind to others. But, at some point, we want to mention the name of Christ. Yes, He is the One filling me with joy. Yes, He is the One that gives me all things. Yes, He is the One I thank every day for every single one of my blessings. He is the One.

     Remember, Jesus tells us not to be anxious or worry about anything. The Holy Spirit Himself recognizes when and how we will come to Know about Jesus. He opens up hearts and minds with the Word of God. But know this. He WILL use you! He wants us to be a part of growing His kingdom. I can’t imagine anything more exciting than seeing someone in heaven, knowing we played a part in their arrival!

     So relax! It’s not about us. It’s about Jesus and He does the work. Believing in Christ comes from hearing the Gospel, the Word of God.

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the Word about Christ.  Romans 10:17

     Maybe you believed when you heard the most familiar of the Gospel messages from the Word of God.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

     This week let’s look together at some Scripture verses. Memorize them. Write them down. Take them with you. Be prepared to share. You never know when the Holy Spirit may ask you to assist Him in our shared mission.

Use us. Keep us calm and prepared. You have the words to eternal life. Keep them in our hearts and in our minds.
In Jesus name,

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