Monday, April 23, 2018


     This week will be filled with stories; stories from books, writings or personal experience. I would imagine you have a story or two of your own or a story that means something to you. Lessons learned and experienced can be a testimony to others. Sharing thoughts and wisdom can change lives. I hope and pray you will share your hard-fought stories with others.

     A common theme in many of the testimonies I have heard involve personal suffering and personal (real or perceived) weakness. Battles bring about wisdom and weakness forces us to rely on God’s strength. Falling to our knees aids in our journey of becoming closer to our personal God. Intimacy grows when our face is to the floor in humility and helplessness.

     Jesus is there. He is everywhere. He is ready to give you His strength, His hope, His love in an, often, uncomfortable world. Reach out your hand and let Him teach you and thing or two about life and death, blessings and hope, wisdom and awe. Tell your tales and bring Him to others.

I do not hide Your righteousness in my heart. I speak of Your faithfulness and Your saving help. I do not conceal Your love and Your faithfulness from the great assembly. Psalm 40:10


Show us Your ways and teach us how to love and give us courage to speak boldly as we gain wisdom and strength from You. That deep and abiding joy does not come easily through our journeys on earth. But You fill us with exactly what we need.

In Jesus name,


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