Monday, October 29, 2018

The Simple Joys of Children

     I never tire of watching our 9-month-old grandson. Mesmerized by his little face, we watch his eyes light up as Gramps mows the lawn, see him laugh with delight as he swings,as he strains forward to catch one last glimpse of the big truck on the road, or as he sits contentedly with one of his favorite toys. When do we begin to lose the sense of wonder and simple pleasures attached to each day? As we grow older, we face criticism, body image, peer pressure, busyness, worry and the list goes on.

     He works hard on each new feat, whether crawling or picking up small toys or feeding himself. We celebrate each milestone and appreciate the pure joy in our hearts at each giggle and smile, at each new accomplishment.

     He has allowed us into his precious world, a world filled with new beginnings, and the simple pleasures in life. As grandparents, we now have the ability to sit back and enjoy the small moments. We hold onto each one as a treasure. Watch for the simple joys today. Let a child brighten your day. Swing or go for a walk. These are the memories that will last. The disciples of Jesus tried to keep the children from bothering Him. He had so much to do and so many people needed Him. And what did He say?

People were also bringing babies to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:15-16


Never let us take for granted the simple joys in life. Give us the eyes and ears of a small child so we,too, can sit in wonder at all You have given us. Thank You for the small children in our lives. Let them teach us.

In Jesus name,


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