Monday, March 29, 2021



     God’s purpose for our lives is filled with abundant joy and peace.  Satan loves nothing better than stealing our peace and joy and replacing them with fear, doubt, guilt, anger and jealousy. What keeps you from believing God and allowing His joy and peace to reign?

     When we feel anxious, there are several Scripture verses to soothe us. When we fear, God promises He will never leave us. When we are discouraged, He tells us  He will lift us up. His words to us encourage, comfort and bring hope. He knows the world is filled with troubles and trials, but don’t fret.

“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:13

     Believe God and His promises today. Let Him fill you with His deep peace and joy, understanding that nothing can ever separate you from Him. Nothing Not ever. His promises are eternal.


Forgive us for losing our trust in You and for not believing Your word filled with promises. Give us peace and joy in our hearts. Grow within us the good fruit of Your love.

In Jesus name,



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