Thursday, August 29, 2024

He Will Direct Your Path


     If we ask God to be first in our lives, if we study His word, listen for His voice and continually pray, He will continue His work in us with new dreams, with endless possibilities, and with fresh opportunities. It is the perfect time to listen for His call as we move into brand-new days that await us.

     Is He asking us to change any attitude? Is He teaching us something new through this season of life? Is it time for a fresh start or will we remain and blossom right where we are? Life with Jesus is a continuous adventure. Remember this. He always wants the very best for us and as we serve Him, the blessings increase.

     Sit with Him for a time and ask, “What’s next?” “Where are You leading?” I await those answers along with you. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we can lean on Him. Acknowledge Him and He will show us the way.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6


Increase our willingness to trust You in all things, to acknowledge you in all of our ways, to lean on You when we don’t understand. We believe You when you show us the way to go.

In Jesus name,


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