Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Heart and Soul


     God gives us His wisdom and understanding and knowledge through the word and the guiding of the Holy Spirit. Bending our knees and bowing our heads in obedience to Him brings us deep and abiding joy. This week we are looking at the heart and soul. The external fades in significance to our Lord.

     The Bible makes it clear that our bodies are the temporary tent for our soul and spirit. If only we would spend as much time focusing our attention on what God finds valuable. King Solomon knew this as he taught his son through his proverbial wisdom.

For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Proverbs 2:10

     I pray you find this proverb to be true in your own life. May God’s wisdom and knowledge become pleasant to our heart and soul.


We thank You for leading us to deep truths. Your wisdom is beyond the external, beyond this world. It comes directly from heaven. Give us a hunger and thirst for more and more of You.

In Jesus name,



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