Monday, August 26, 2024

Walk In It


     Turning 69 in a few weeks takes some adjustment. I remember turning 40 and realizing about half my life could be over and with the blink of an eye almost 30 years have passed. I wake up grateful every morning, for a roof over my head, for my husband, our daughters, their husbands and our fabulous grandkids.

     I am grateful for friends, some by my side for my entire lifetime, many for more than 50 years. I have been reunited with my high school best friends and other friends from grade school, junior high and high school and we relish the time as we relive memories and shared experiences. These times are priceless.

     We share life and sometimes it isn’t easy. Some of my friends are going through tough times. One with physical and cognitive issues that require full-time care, another with an addiction and still another in an impossible situation with no easy answers. I love these friends.

     It’s difficult when we don’t have all the answers. We want to make things better. I hope I listen. I do know and they know God works. They are believers and this is the greatest comfort. He is there. No matter our age, our worries, our health, our grief. He will help us begin again, or help us find peace with where we are. He will lead us to the people and the places we need at this moment. Trust. He goes before us, behind us and lives within us. Such comfort.

    Let’s all pray for His divine intervention and wait expectantly. His voice will be there cheering us on.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way. Walk in it.”  Isaiah 30:21

This is what the Lord says, “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths. Ask where the good way is and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16a


We lift up those in deep need today. Show us the way. Give us the answers for the next steps. Guide us with Your comforting voice and love.

In Jesus name,


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