Thursday, December 7, 2017

Stop. Be Still

     The experts are beginning to study the ramifications of technology on our youth and on society in general. Our brains do not mature and function in a normal manner, when various images, words and thoughts fly in and out every couple of seconds. We lose the ability to be still, to contemplate, to relax completely and to concentrate on one thing fully.

     Slow down. Settle in. Be still. Creativity flows in the stillness. Our kids may be losing the ability to think for themselves, to sit and have a long conversation with a friend, without looking at their phones every few seconds. I am often caught off-guard by someone with a headset talking on the phone while out in nature. Or the view of a young mom out to lunch with her kids, yet paying more attention to the device in her hand.

     Yes, I am of the older generation, but I worry about the overuse and misuse of technology. Take some time. Be still.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10a

     Getting to know God takes time. Time to pray, time to study, time to be. Time with God is never wasted. He teaches the important and valuable things in life. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness come from a deep relationship with Jesus. Do you know Him? He shines light in the dark places. He gives rest to the soul. Take the time. Know God.


We pray for times of stillness, times to read Your Word, to pray, to take in the love You have for us, to enjoy Your creation. Teach us Your ways and take hold of this younger generation again. Give them a hunger for You.

In Jesus name,


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