Monday, September 9, 2019

Be Inspired!

     Let’s get inspired this week. Inspired to stay humble. Inspired to trust God. Inspired to allow Him to work in us. Inspired to find joy and peace. There is no better inspiration found in God’s word than the example of King David.

     David was the youngest and weakest of his family. His brothers (all seven of them) were stronger and a bit more majestic. David tended to the sheep, the boy instructed to bring lunch to his brothers out in the battlefield. God understood David and understood his great heart. He would be the one chosen to be King of Israel.

     In return, David understood the faithfulness of God, even in the most trying of times. The words penned by David in the Psalms are filled with emotion, with regret, with deep suffering and grief, with fear for his very life, with longing and anguish and always, deep and abiding trust and joy. How are you feeling today? Look into the writings of King David and find understanding and compassion.

     The following words are worth remembering.They may be familiar to you from a doxology often used in Sunday services. I remember singing these words week after week in the Lutheran church where I grew up in South Minneapolis.

Create in me a clean heart, O’ God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with Your free Spirit. Psalm 51:10-12

     Such beautiful words. God, through salvation in Jesus, makes our hearts clean. His Holy Spirit is given to us freely each day. The joy of our salvation and access to the throne of heaven can be constant throughout our lives. Let God uphold you and inspire you.


Thank You for Your word that comforts, guides, inspires and reminds us of all You have to offer. Create pure hearts in us as we continue this journey with You.

In Jesus name,


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