Tuesday, September 10, 2019

In His Strength

     God chose you and me to represent Him in this dark and crazy world. He meets us where we are and He saves us and makes us brand new. His gift of salvation is pure and loving. He doesn’t need us to perform His work and to fulfill His purposes. After all, He created us and our planet! And yet, He chooses to bless us as we learn to follow Him. Somehow, miraculously, He uses these weak human vessels to complete His work.

But God chose the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. God chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong. 1 Corinthians 1:27

     Moses stuttered. Gideon was the smallest man from the weakest tribe. King David was the youngest and weakest of his family. The apostle Paul was named Saul before he met Christ and persecuted and looked for ways to kill the Christ-followers.

     Something happens when these weak and foolish humans understand our need for a Savior. We are faced with a pure and loving God and understand the sin within us. What a gift it is to be humbled before a righteous God. And imagine what He did with Moses and David, with Gideon and Paul. His disciples were from the poorest communities, many fishermen by trade.

     And they would have the privilege of beginning the church that moved around the world. All but one of them was martyred for their faith. They had seen the risen Lord and understood the joy of salvation. Give your weaknesses to Him and watch His strength kill the giants in your life. What will He do with you and me? David trusted the strength of our mighty God.

     None of the Israelites wanted to fight against the Philistine, Goliath, no one except one small shepherd boy. When he offered to face the giant, others tried to dress him in armor, but he was not used to it and removed it. His confidence in God was so strong, his weapon of choice was a rock and a slingshot.

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands. 1 Samuel 17:45-46a

     You know the story. The great giant would topple over and die from the rock. What giants are you facing? What obstacles are in your way? Let God remove them and continue glorifying Him. God works through the weak and foolish things of this world to make His name known. How will He use us today?


Thank You for reminding us that with You we are strong. With You we can face anything. With You, we confound the wise and the strong. Let others find You and may we be strong in You.

In Jesus name,


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