Monday, October 14, 2019

Instant Gratification

     Things have changed over the years. As our culture continues to move swiftly along, our needs and wants are seemingly met in a split second. We have microwaves, fast-food restaurants, groceries delivered to our cars, and immediate connections with friends and family through texts and social media, ready at a minute’s notice within easy reach. Whew! It is hard to keep up. The changes we have witnessed as the baby boom generation are astronomical and sometimes puzzling.

     Jesus does offer instant gratification, too. When we believe He exists, when we place our trust in Him as Savior, when we ask for forgiveness, and ask Him into our lives, there is an instant transformation. Oh, we may not feel it at the time, but the transformation is very real.

     In that moment of time, we are instantly given Christ’s righteousness. We are instantly guaranteed an eternal home. We are instantly forgiven, now and forevermore. Jesus promises us a new life, a changed life, a life lived with Him. He is ours now and forever. Talk about instant gratification!

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. John 5:13

For it is by faith you have been saved through grace, and this is not from yourselves. It is a gift from God. Ephesians 2:8

     There is nothing we can do to earn this instantaneous gift. It is a gift from God. It is an immediate, life-changing, faith-inspired, sacrificial gift. Put aside the cultural amenities we now believe we need. Forget about our worldly needs and desires. This is the most important decision of our lives. This is Jesus.


You change us in just a minute of belief. Change hearts to see what You offer us. You give us eternity. You give us hope. You change our darkness into light. You transform and enlighten.

In Jesus name,


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