Friday, September 6, 2013

Passion For The Ride

     Our perspective of life changes through each season. We stand on solid ground and see ourselves and the way our lives will play out with eyes fixed forward in our teens and twenties, with a bit of an overwhelmed and unfocused view of life through our busy thirties and forties. Now in my late fifties, I look forward to these next decades, but I look back a little more often, recognizing that life takes us to places and puts us through so much that was not in the plan.

     We want to plan out each detail even with the certainty of a few side trips and a veering off of our chosen path. There will be times to sit out the ride while we are “under construction.” And that deep vertical drop, the one where we want to tightly close our eyes and ride it out? It sometimes lasts longer than expected. How do we keep our passion for life with all of the uncertainties ahead?
     What would happen if we face the rest of our lives with a wide-open gaze and arms raised to the sky, with a passion and a purpose and exuberance to live the abundant life God has planned for us? What if we recognize that around the next curve, even in the scary fall, Jesus has us in the palm of His hand?

     When we know that the end of the ride will bring us complete joy and peace forever, maybe we can get through every bit of our time here with hope. What do you think? The word “enthusiasm” comes from two Greek words, “en” meaning in and “theos” meaning God. We are on the ride together, you and I. Will you shout out a “yes!” to living with enthusiasm and passion for Him?

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.  Romans 12;11

Dear Lord,
We place our lives in Your loving and capable hands. Will you give each reader a sense of purpose and peace? You are the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, and you will fill all of the gaps in between. May Your Holy Spirit be our guide today.
In Jesus Name

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