Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Eternal Love

     Will you give Jesus a chance? In the sixth chapter of the book of John, Jesus is speaking of things that will not make perfect sense until after His death and resurrection. His Words will never make sense to some. As He speaks He knows in His heart that there will be those who will not believe. He is speaking to a group about the things of the Spirit.

The Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you-they are full of the Spirit and life.  John 6:63

     At this time, some of His followers turned away and left Him. There are many today that take a peek into Christianity and walk away. After some of the followers left Him, Jesus asks;

“You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.  John 6:67

  And the answer?

Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words to eternal life.” John 6:68

     Is it time to find eternal answers? Is it time to get rid of the fear of death? Only then can we live. Jesus has the Words to eternal life. Believing and putting our trust in the death and resurrection of the Savior comes with a guarantee. Our flesh counts for nothing. The everlasting, forever, eternal part of us can live in paradise with our Father in heaven through Jesus. To whom will you go?

Dear Father in Heaven,
We praise You for giving us the gift of eternal life through Jesus, Your Son. We do not deserve it, but Your all-powerful love found a way to bring us back to You. One day we will be with You forever with no more tears and no more pain. Please open hearts today to hear Your Words of eternal life, that they may believe and accept Jesus.

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