Tuesday, July 29, 2014

After the Fire


February 16, 2004

They were constantly devoting themselves to prayer together with certain women including Mary the mother of Jesus as well as his brothers. Acts 1:14

It has been almost three weeks now. It seems like a year. The fire began in our family room and eventually destroyed most of the inside of our home with smoke. We have been through the usual emotions associated with grief and tragedy; shock, denial, sadness and finally acceptance. We have said goodbye to our kitty and other sentimental belongings. My daughters are sharing a room in our much smaller temporary home. Life is not normal.

We spend our time inventorying, salvaging and envisioning reconstruction. The details involved are enormous and overwhelming. It feels good to be sitting at church. Somehow I remembered signing up to write this devotion. I also remembered it had something to do with prayer. Profound and deep thoughts have been swirling through my head as the smoke begins to clear within me and within our home.

After I called 911 I called my husband. After I called my husband, I called my church. As I looked out my neighbor’s window at the five fire trucks in front of my house, I called Verla, the church office administrator, and asked her to begin praying. As so often happens in the Christian world, a seed became a harvest. The word spread as the days progressed. “Our church in Bloomington is praying for you.” “My Bible study at Grace Church is praying for you.” An Evangelical Church in Northern Minnesota, a Baptist church in Oregon, Immanuel Church in Eden Prairie and on and on. It is humbling and overpowering and we are so grateful. What a gift to be a Christian!

In the middle of the muddle there is Christ. In the chaos and confusion there is a deep peace. In the destruction and displacement there is hope. The power of prayer has been a part of my life for years now, but never in such a way have I felt it. I have physically felt lifted up. The prayers have strengthened us and comforted us.

Never underestimate the power of prayer. If you are worried today or scared for someone else or if you are grieving a loss, ask others to pray for you. Christ is waiting and ready to go to work for you. God works for the good in all things and good things will somehow come to pass. Let us constantly devote ourselves to prayer.

Dear and Awesome God,

I can’t imagine going through this life without Your Son. He is at work even in the most tragic events of life. I thank you today for our community of faith. The miraculous power of the prayers of Your people have lifted us up through this time. What a gift to us. It has been the single most important part of keeping us going day to day. Keep us hopeful. Keep us safe. Help our daughters to get through this time and please help them to gain insight and wisdom for life through this event. Amen

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