Sunday, July 13, 2014

Child-like Faith

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

     I had the privilege of spending a full day with my seven-year-old great-niece, Emily. It has been some time since I spent a whole day with a child. It was exhilarating, joy-filled and exhausting! There is always a new adventure waiting to happen in the life of a child and an eagerness for every single one. Some of her conversation:

“Can I make a jumbo doughnut for myself?”
“Do you know how to play hopscotch?”
“We need a huge heart on the driveway!” (This was after drawing hopscotch, tracing around our bodies lying on the hard surface, and drawing suns, smiley faces and stars)
“Let’s jump over the sprinkler.”
“Let’s play catch!”
“Can you do a cartwheel?” (Turns out I can’t and I found out the hard way)
“When can we walk to the park?”

     I loved every minute of it and I went to bed a bit early that nightJ
     Could we try to live our lives with a child-like faith? Can we see every day as a brand new opportunity to expect, create and appreciate each experience? Jesus will give us the deep joy and peace of a child if we let Him.

     Emily is a beloved daughter, granddaughter, niece, cousin and friend. She is secure in that love. Are you secure in the arms of your loving Father? I want to see the world like Emily does.

Dear Jesus,
Keep us child-like in our faith and in the miracles of everyday life. We are loved and secure and filled with the Holy Spirit. Help us to be contagious in our hopeful and expectant lives.


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