Monday, August 17, 2015

And It Was Very Good

     God spoke and created the heavens and the earth. There is no way for the human mind to comprehend it. Imagine the stripe of the zebra, the cute face of the koala, the majestic lion, the fragile butterfly, the colorful array of  flowers from the 8-foot sunflower to the smallest crocus, the scent of the rose, or the fragrance of fresh mint or ginger. The creation surrounding us is mind-boggling.

     God spoke it through His Word. And the Word is Jesus. He breathed life into the first man made from the dust and created woman from man’s rib. Notice creation around you today and take it in. Breathe it in. Appreciate all God gave us to enjoy, from relationships to the morning sunrise and the evening sunset, day after day, month after month, season after season; the earth set just the perfect distance from the sun rotating faithfully for our pleasure.

     Looking for a miracle? Get a little closer to creation. Hug a friend. Notice the bird’s song. Soak it in. Take in a little vitamin D on your lunch break. Look up at the stars. The list is endless. He made it for you and me. And it brought Him pleasure.

God saw all that He had made and it was very good. And there was morning and there was evening-the sixth day. Genesis 1:31

How many are Your works Lord! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number- living things both large and small. Psalm 104:24-25

We praise You for the creation around us. Forgive us for taking everything that is good for granted. We thank You for our food, for the seasons, for the sun, moon and stars, for the animals surrounding us with all of their wonder, for the birds and the flowers and for the ability to love. Remind us to praise You in appreciation for all we have around us each day. Most of all, thank You for Jesus.


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