Wednesday, February 24, 2021

"Follow Me"


My sheep listen to my voice. I know them and they follow me. John 10:27

     The verse above takes us from the time we first hear His voice and accept Jesus as Savior. Yesterday we talked about getting to know Him. The powerful and all-knowing words of Scripture become planted in our hearts as we walk with Him more closely, as we recognize His voice above all others, and we want, more than anything, to follow Him.

     When Jesus first called His disciples, there must have been something so irresistible about Him that all He had to say was, “Follow Me.” (See Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) And they did. They gave up professions as fishermen, gave up money as tax collectors, and followed.

     One of the beautiful truths about the disciples, in my mind, is how dysfunctional they were. They were so much like us. The Bible does not mince any words when describing them. They were competitive and asked who would be first in heaven. John considered himself the favorite. Peter was outspoken and passionate and spontaneous. He was the one to deny Christ three times before the crucifixion.

     Thomas doubted. I can relate. But like the disciples, when we hear the voice of the one who breathed the world into existence and He says, “Follow Me,” it is irresistible. He changes lives. He transforms relationships. He moves hearts. He rebuilds and redeems and restores and best of all, He forgives and forgets. He uses imperfect people like us.

     Follow Him. Live by His words and deeds. Love more, hate less. Be kind and patient and willing to stop throughout a busy day to lend a hand or to listen. The simple acts of love. Hear the simple and yet profound life-changing words.

     “Follow Me.”

Dear Jesus,

Yes, we will follow You. We are blessed to live in a land of freedom. Christians are dying all over the world as they stand up to follow You. Would we have the courage to do the same? Make us bold and courageous as we follow You.



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