Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Help, I Need Somebody


     Grayson ‘s strength belies the fact of his 8-month’s old age. Imagine him sitting contentedly in a lap playing with a toy. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he turns and catapults his head dangerously over the edge of the arm. Many times, we have saved him from a sure head dive.

     (His mother knows) that Grayson fell off a bed while in my care. He was situated with his head near the wall as he lay on the bed. There was a stack of diapers on one side and pillows and stuffed animals on the other. I swear I turned my back for two seconds. He must have done a triple flip to get to the edge of the bed when I heard the most dreaded sound while caring for a baby. ”Thud!)

     Luckily, no harm was done and he just looked extremely startled and maybe just a bit proud. I swear he had a little smirk on his cute little face.      

     I’ve been in a few precarious situations in my life, too, when I needed some saving from myself. How about you? We all need someone to pull us back before making a disastrous decision, to help us out when we have twisted or side=stepped our way into a corner. This past year has exposed the deep hole we have when we can’t be together.

     This forced isolation brings anxiety, depression and for those most at risk, a longing to be with family. Creative ways to be together have eased some of the burden, for sure. But being together, eye to eye, is necessary and I can’t wait! to celebrate birthdays again, go out to dinner with my girlfriends, go out without a mask. How much we took for granted! We simply need each other.

     So, like Grayson, we need to allow others to hold us up. We need to reach out to others during their uncertain times. I am especially grateful to the body of Christ, the deepest fellowship I know. I appreciate all of you!

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27

Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, giving preference to one another in honor. Romans 12:10


We long for the day we can safely be together. In the meantime, keep us steadfast in prayer, reaching out in the ways we can in Your name.


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