Friday, February 26, 2021

We Cannot Help But Speak


     What do we do with this Gospel, the Good News of a transformed heart? With the overflowing abundant love? With the gratitude of receiving new life? How can we keep it to ourselves? Changed hearts can’t help but be exposed. Those that have felt the power and the presence of Jesus are compelled to share.

     Peter and John had been put in jail and they were forbidden to speak about Jesus. ‘This is what they said:

As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard. Acts 4:20

    After their imprisonment, they prayed for even greater boldness. (Acts 4:29) Jesus told us to watch for the signs that the end times are drawing near, including wars and rumors of wars, nation against nation, an increase in earthquakes and storms, Israel would be back in the land and that wickedness would increase.

     God has us here during an incredible season. Our light is not to be hidden (Matthew 5). We are to shine like stars in a dark and depraved generation. (Philippians 2). The Holy Spirit will give us courage to speak in love. The name of Jesus is more powerful than any other name. Speak it and share it. The world is searching for their Savior.

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12

Dear Father,

We come humbly before You to thank You for the saving grace of Your Son. By His sacrifice, we are saved. Allow us to be Your servants as we speak the good news of salvation to others. His coming is near. Thank You for the privilege.

In the powerful name of Jesus,


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