Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Family of Christ


     Church. What is your first reaction to the word? Obligation, boring, filled with hypocrites, organized religion? Those are some common reactions I have heard over the years. Jesus did not design His church to be divided into denominations and divisions. He chastised the leaders of the church of His day. He wants a relationship with you and me. He wants us to know Him and spend time with Him, the living Lord.

     Jesus asked for all of us to be united under His headship, each doing our part. The body of Christ should function in fluidity, just as a healthy body is a sum of its moving and working parts. That is the ideal. In His last beautiful prayers in John 17 Jesus prays these words for us:

That all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.  John 17:21

     Knowing Jesus unites us as family. Yes, we are dysfunctional, with varied personalities and gifts, but the Holy Spirit lives in us! Dive into His word today and take a peek around. Read through John’s Gospel and take in His great love for you. Falling in love with Jesus and being filled with the knowledge of Him, leads us to love others in the most astounding ways. Take a stand for Him along with the rest of the body so others may believe.

    It is our greatest calling. To make disciples and to be ready to give an answer for our hope. And when we know Him and love Him, we want to be in fellowship with our brothers and sisters of faith. It works as we become the body of Christ. Don’t be led astray by fallen humans. We are not perfect. But He is. Let His perfect love shine on you this morning.

Dear Jesus,

You call us into the deepest relationship. You allow the Holy Spirit, the resurrection power of Christ, to dwell within us. Make us into Your disciples so others may know You, too.



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