Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Rise Above

     Suffering is all around us. Two of my friends are waiting for results of biopsies, a beautiful 38-year-old daughter of a friend died from a brain tumor and our great nephew is being tested for some possible neurological issues. All of this, in a short time, happened within my group of family and friends. I know it’s the same for you. What do we do with the heartache and grief? Where do we go and how do we cope?

     After years of questioning and searching, I turn in Jesus. Often in the darkness, we catch a glimpse of His light and hang onto hope. The presence of suffering does not mean the absence of a loving God. This fallen world was not His choice. But the offering of the sacrifice of our heavenly Father’s Son to wipe the slate clean came from Him.

     We have a creator who stepped out of heaven and felt it all. He placed it all on His shoulders and suffered the consequences meant for us. He will share the burdens of this life until we are with Him in perfection one day. His Spirit will groan with us, will comfort us, will teach us great lessons through the suffering and bring meaning and purpose to it all.

     In the meantime we are in this together. We can struggle together, cry together, rejoice together and sit with each other when we hurt and when there seems to be no answers and no comfort to be found. The hurt is unbearably tough isn’t it? All of it is temporary and as fleeting as a teardrop. God is collecting those tears and one day will wipe away every last one of them. (Revelation 21:4)

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 1 Corinthians 1:3-4

Dear Jesus,
You know our pain and our loss. Comfort us today with Your unfailing love and give us the comfort we can share with others. You understand. One day we will know in full. Give us hope today.

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