Monday, March 16, 2020


     My eyesight continues to deteriorate, which leads to adapting and adjusting to the changes. The blessings of having remaining sight at this age (64) is miraculous to me. When diagnosed at age 30, I imagined being totally blind long before this time.
     The perspective of age brings me to my knees in gratitude. Being able to see my grandkids fills me with such joy! Having had perfect sight into my late twenties, and having fairly good sight into my forties led slowly to, what has become, a complete loss of peripheral vision, lack of clarity and trouble distinguishing color.
     Purples, blues and reds appear as one, as well as some blues and greens. Pink and yellow are tough to define. A light green towel may be interchanged with a white one and my husband’s socks, with their emblems of blue, black or red, are often mismatched following each load of laundry.
     Thankfully, my spouse, my daughters and their families and my friends adjust right along with me. My loved ones listen to my needs and accommodate willingly. I love doing laundry, and because of that, my husband is more than happy to reclaim the matched pairs within his dresser drawer.
    What are you dealing with? Adjusting to a diagnosis? Avoiding foods or environments due to allergies? Missing a loved one? Moving into a new phase of life with a new baby or retirement? Each season of life brings new situations, both joy-filled and tragic, some welcome and others filled with dread, each having their own share of transition. What do we do and how do we accommodate the continuing fluctuations in our daily lives?
     The Bible will show us where to go and how to move on with each inevitable change in our lives, with the help of God.
     I am thankful, especially, for my husband, my best friend and confidante. He is by my side each and every day, full of love for me. I get frustrated and fearful and he sees it all. It’s crazy to think of the days I could drive and move in and out of strange places freely and with confidence.  Now each step can falter as I fear a step I don’t see, or as I bump into a person I don’t notice, or as I fall down once again. But each time, I pick myself up and count my blessings and they are many. And always, always, there is Jesus. He doesn’t change. He remains the solid anchor in life.
Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8.
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. Hebrews 6:19
Thank You for being our anchor, our foundation, the unchanging Savior. Be with us as life brings about unexpected and expected change. You will show us the way to continue with joy and peace.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Judy for your inspirational messages. And sharing your faith with your readers. God Bless you and your family.
